Friday, January 16, 2009

Surgical Hooks AGAIN?! Say It Ain't So...

Wow I didn't realize its been a while since updated my blog so lets get caught up to speed. So I had a follow up on January 7th. I sit in the chair and Dr Brust looks at me with a huge smile and asks " Wil is it time to take of those braces?!" I smile and say "I wish. There's still a couple of teeth I am not happy with". He then says "We'll see" So he takes a look and says everything looks good to me but one of my molars still had some minor tipping. So at this point in time I only wore one rubber band which helped with the tipping molar. I wore Bummer during the day and Debbie at night but I progressed to Debbie full time since Bummer wasn't holding up anymore. Dr Brust then tell the tech to put me in "spaghettis all around". He turns to me and says, "this should close up any spacing issues. The tech then explained what all that meant. Surgical hooks were placed on all my lower teeth except for the brackets with hooks. The tech then explains and demonstrates what Im supposed to do. I don't have to wear rubber bands during the day but at night I had to wear Bills on every bracket/hook. Each rubber band went around four brackets and overlapped each other. So it was about 14 rubber bands in total. I tried to count them but every night I tried I would always lose count. LOL The first night took about 25-30min. Definitely a pain in the ass and it brought back horrible memories of those post surgical rubber bands....this time with less pain. I had some soreness in the morning but nothing too serious. I noticed movement immediately. So 6 more nights of this mess and 6 more days of the annoying irritations of surgical hooks.... I just kept telling myself its only a week...its only a week...

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