Wednesday, August 6, 2008

"THE" Follow Up

As you know I had my follow up today. It was an interesting appointment. I have come to learn that this clinic is really slow in all areas but that is medical clinics for you. Well I get in at10:45am for my 11am. I get called back at 11:10am. I sit around for about 20min then one of the residents came in and took a look. They have been working on shifting my lower jaw over since my midline of my lower jaw is off by 1.5mm. The resident wanted the chief resident to take a look as he didn't know what I should get next. He answered a few of my questions, took off my current bands, then left to get the chief resident who was in on my surgery.

SO FINALLY!!!! I WAS ABLE TO BRUSH THE INSIDE OF MY TEETH!!!! I think I brushed my teeth for 5min. I was in heaven. The resident kind of laughed at how fast I jumped up to brush my teeth.

The main doctor is off on vacation so the chief residents are running his clinic. Eventually the chief resident enters with several med med students. He took a look and is happy that my midline has progressed but not enough. So he added a few for rubber bands in different positions to see if it would hold. While I was waiting, I over hear one of the residents say "I do not know what to do to Mr Turner's mouth based on these molds". I thought to myself, thats the last thing that I would like to hear. After about 10-15min, the chief resident came back with less students and my molds. He explained that there is a slight open bite on my left side. He feels the orthodontist may be able to take care of it but feels we should take care of it now if we can. So he had one of the med students hold my molds while he applied the bands based off the molds. Now I am heavily banded. Before my appointment, I was able open my mouth a little. Now its completely closed. He wants hold everything tight into a good position and have my doctor take a look at it when he gets back on monday.

Normally I would be bummed about this turn oof events but surprisingly Im pretty cool with everything. The worst part is over (the surgery) so now all I have to do is recover and wait to see what the doctor will say on monday. I can't see it getting any worse than it is right now. I will just be sure to take some ibuprofen prior to my appointment just in case. LOL I am not in any pain. Being banded completely shut is uncomfortable but it feels similar as getting an adjustment by the orthodontist. I just feel a lot of pressure on each tooth from the bands. The good news is I will not have much time to worry about my mouth. I go back to work full time on friday and things will be pretty busy from here on out. And whenever I am busy with work, time really does begin to fly by.

Some questions the resident answered for me:

-Surgical hooks will be on for awhile (will assume off after week 4)
-Next ortho appointment at 8/20 is good
-Had plates put in and not screws
-Order of follow ups are 2, 4, 6, and 10 week intervals
-May have rubber bands removed at week 4 (only 2 more weeks!!!)
-I could technically eat soft foods now with the plates but want me to wait at least 4 weeks.
-Can finally stop peroxide/saline rinses for my incisions.

I might re-ask these questions again when I see the doctor on monday just to make sure.

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