Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Are things looking up? 6 days post

So when the doctor first put on the rubber bands and saw the pain in my eyes, he said that the pain would last about a week. I thought to myself, THIS PAIN WILL LAST FOR 7DAYS?! How would I be able to handle that for such a long time?! Well at least I had meds.

So today I awake and notice that my TMJ wasn't hurting as much. Honestly it wasn't really hurting at all. I was surprised and worried. So I went back to sleep as I thought I was only dreaming. I finally get up and notice that it was 9am. I was well passed my next dose. So I took some ibuprofen with a grape juice chaser. I have to be honest, my meds do not taste terrible but I think I am getting sick of the taste. Out of all the juices that I have, I find that grape juice goes well with both Lortab and the ibuprofen. I also take a look in the mirror and I want to saw that the swelling is slowly going down but I think its just my eyes. Well tomorrow with be 7 days post op and I will take some pics then to compare.

Prior ro surgery, my friends were worried about my potential weight loss. I am not the heaviest person around so losing so I could see where I should be worried about losing a ton of weight. Before surgery, I weighed in at 145-146 but yesterday I was at 140. The doctor did say that the more in shape you are the less weight you may lose. I just hope that I do not go past 135. I haven't weight that since undergrad and that was like 10 years ago.

Now if only I can get rid of this knot in my left shoulder blade I would be on cloud 9...

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